Dr. Justin

The spine is the body’s foundation and when it is out of alignment, the central nervous system cannot effectively send and receive messages through the body. Through our services, we can identify the root of any pain, injury or discomfort and create a treatment plan to help you live a healthier, more active life.

Treatment consists of gentle techniques to correct spinal alignment abnormalities. Use of blocks, instruments, mechanical traction and manual adjusting are all available to use depending on each patients needs and concerns.

Corrective Exercises

Active stretching and strengthening exercises are incorporated with each patient to assist in the healing time and reducing risk of exacerbation of symptoms. These exercises are designed to be performed in the comfort of your own home. In addition to skeletal misalignment, muscles and connective tissues can be out of place or strained by improper alignment and use. Specific exercises and stretches can help your body stay in balance and in health.

Lifestyle Advice

Dr. Napotnik often finds it helpful to “coach” his patients on certain activities they should avoid or do differently to avoid aggravating their particular health challenge. His goal is to help every patient achieve a fulfilling and happy lifestyle full of the activities they enjoy most. He recognizes that each patient is a whole person, and helping them reach true health and wellness is a collaborate effort between the chiropractor and the patient.

Nutritional Counseling

Proper nutrition is vital to improving your health and well being and Dr. Napotnik will discuss each patient’s unique needs to help then reach their full potential. Supplement recommendations, additional pamphlets and websites to follow may be provided to patients to keep them focused on their health

Spinal Decompression

Use of computerized traction resulting in spinal decompression may be beneficial for those suffering from disc bulges or herniations, degenerative disc, spinal stenosis, radiating arm or leg pain. The treatment is well tolerated and a non-invasive way to potentially avoid surgery.